Module 01_alias

command aliases


GameState:GetSongBeat () Aliases for old GAMESTATE timing functions.
GameState:GetSongBeatNoOffset () Aliases for old GAMESTATE timing functions.
GameState:GetSongBPS () Aliases for old GAMESTATE timing functions.
GameState:GetSongDelay () Aliases for old GAMESTATE timing functions.
GameState:GetSongFreeze () Aliases for old GAMESTATE timing functions.


_safe Title & Action area safe calculation, probably messy.
Condition Conditional aliases for 3.9
Blend Blend Modes Aliases for blend modes.
EffectMode EffectMode Aliases for EffectMode (aka shaders)
Health Health Declarations Used primarily for lifebars.


GameState:GetSongBeat ()
Aliases for old GAMESTATE timing functions. These have been converted to SongPosition, but most themes still use these old functions.
GameState:GetSongBeatNoOffset ()
Aliases for old GAMESTATE timing functions. These have been converted to SongPosition, but most themes still use these old functions.
GameState:GetSongBPS ()
Aliases for old GAMESTATE timing functions. These have been converted to SongPosition, but most themes still use these old functions.
GameState:GetSongDelay ()
Aliases for old GAMESTATE timing functions. These have been converted to SongPosition, but most themes still use these old functions.
GameState:GetSongFreeze ()
Aliases for old GAMESTATE timing functions. These have been converted to SongPosition, but most themes still use these old functions.


shorthand! this is tedious to type and makes things ugly so let's make it shorter. _screen.w, _screen.h, etc.


  • w screen width
  • h screen height
  • cx screen center x
  • cy screen center y
Title & Action area safe calculation, probably messy. Uses Microsoft's suggestion of 85% of the screen (7.5% per side).


  • w TitleSafeWidth
  • h TitleSafeHeight
Conditional aliases for 3.9


  • Hour GAMESTATE Hour()
  • IsDemonstration GAMESTATE IsDemonstration()
  • CurSong GAMESTATE GetCurrentSong():GetDisplayMainTitle() == sSongName
  • DayOfMonth DayOfMonth()
  • MonthOfYear MonthOfYear()
  • UsingModifier PlayerIsUsingModifier( pnPlayer, sModifier )
Blend Modes Aliases for blend modes.


  • Normal BlendMode_Normal
  • Add BlendMode_Add
  • Subtract BlendMode_Subtract
  • Modulate BlendMode_Modulate
  • CopySource BlendMode_CopySrc
  • AlphaMask BlendMode_AlphaMask
  • AlphaKnockOut BlendMode_AlphaKnockOut
  • AlphaMultiply BlendMode_AlphaMultiply
  • Multiply BlendMode_WeightedMultiply
  • Invert BlendMode_InvertDest
  • NoEffect BlendMode_NoEffect
EffectMode Aliases for EffectMode (aka shaders)


  • Normal EffectMode_Normal
  • Unpremultiply EffectMode_Unpremultiply
  • ColorBurn EffectMode_ColorBurn
  • ColorDodge EffectMode_ColorDodge
  • VividLight EffectMode_VividLight
  • HardMix EffectMode_HardMix
  • Overlay EffectMode_Overlay
  • Screen EffectMode_Screen
  • YUYV422 EffectMode_YUYV422
Health Declarations Used primarily for lifebars.


  • Max HealthState_Hot
  • Alive HealthState_Alive
  • Danger HealthState_Danger
  • Dead HealthState_Dead
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2023-01-15 03:25:11